accepting applicants for community trustees


Kalamazoo Collective Housing (KCH) is seeking candidates to fill a Community Trustee vacancy on its Conflict Resolution Committee (CRC.)

The CRC is a newly created governing body of KCH which oversees our conflict resolution process. Conflict is something that our community views as normal, inevitable, and welcome, and we strive to intentionally approach and resolve conflict with a restorative mindset. The CRC is tasked with creating and amending policy related to our conflict resolution process, as well as implementing the process when conflicts occur. Members of the CRC, including Community Trustees, are elected by the entire KCH membership and are trusted to use sound judgement while navigating conflicts big and small, as well as make difficult decisions to keep our members safe when situations involve severe harm and abuse. Community Trustees are non-compensated members of the CRC who are required to attend regular meetings, which will be once a month and last 1-2 hours. Community Trustees are not required, but are welcome to attend all other additional meetings convened to address active conflicts. They will serve for a term of one year.

Click here to learn more about the CRC.

Community Trustee applicants should be a resident of the Kalamazoo area, have some relevant experience to bring to the CRC, and be aligned with the values of restorative and/or transformative justice.

Interested individuals should fill out the following application by Friday, August 13th, 2021:

Kalamazoo Collective Housing (KCH) currently has no Community Trustee vacancies on its Board of Directors (BOD.)

KCH is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Michigan corporation with a mission to provide affordable housing to low-income and moderate-income individuals and families while engaging the larger Kalamazoo community in education programs on the principles and practices of ecologically sustainable living.

Established in 2006, KCH has spent the last fifteen years devoted to its mission and the carrying out its vision, in accordance with its key values: Voluntary and Open Membership, Democratic Member Participation, Independence and Self-Reliance, Education and Training, Sustainability, Individual Responsibility, Concern for Community, and Cooperation among Cooperatives.  Such focus has enabled KCH to grow from its very small beginnings, to the point of maintaining and growing an active membership, supporting full-time professional staff, and owning and operating a total of ten properties. 

Community Trustee members will serve as non-compensated members of the Board of Directors (BOD) who will actively participate in overseeing the growth and direction of the organization and in conducting business inherent to a policy-making board of a corporation (i.e. establishing, instituting and overseeing fiscal matters, personnel, policies and systems).  The Community Trustee serves a three-year term.  The KCH BOD typically meets monthly for two hours.

The desired candidate is someone that will bring professional experience to the BOD, who is a resident of the Kalamazoo area, who is aligned with Co-operative Values and who demonstrates a willingness to work hard for the success of KCH.

Interested individuals should check back in July of next year to see if there are Community Trustee openings on the BOD.